Friday, April 22, 2011

Newest Poetry

Can you hear the falling rain
On the old tin roof overhead
Pitte pat, spitter, spat
Clouds grey and heavy
Off in the distance the roar of thunder
Sun setting in its fullness and glory
Filling up the sky
Duck settling in, mights but a breath away
Tucked in grammy's feather bed

Pitter pat, spitter spat
Drip drop drip, rain drops fall harder
Ligthening stikes once, twice
Roars filling the sky
"Grammy where's Mr. Bear"
Tears of fear flooding my eyes

She hands me a bear
Made of mohair with glass eyes
"This isn't Mr. Bear:, I plead
Tears of misunderstanding flooding my eyes
"OK, Charlie your right
I'll got get him"---I hide in the feather bed covers

Mr. Bear, Mr. Bear there you are
My arms engulfing him in love
Chase my fears and worries away
HIs shoe button eyes see my fear and grief
Understanding my childish heart
Chasing the monster under my bed far away

Knowing this little boy's secrets
Held in my arms every night
My eyes closing to fairyland dreams
"Mr. Bear take my hand, please speak to me"
Childhood has ended my fears and doubts
Intact still in the mind of a man

Arms that hold you still
My secrets stil told
A little boy inside, hoping once more
For the rain to fall once again
No longer the full grown man
But just the boy in grammy's feather bed
Mr. Bear on her pillow still

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