Sunday, June 12, 2011

Newest Poetry

The beautiful October day
The spirit of peace descended
Fading leaves falling
In the avenue as I walked
Gate after gate seemed closed
Unaware of the richness I held
With gentle finality behind me did they close
Dimmed by confusion, by pain
That the lilac was shaking
Its flowers over the garden walls
Brimstone butterflies scudding
Hither and thither
They considered themselves unworthy
Dust of pollen in the air
A wind blew
Lifted the half-grown leaves
Forcing their minds to desert their bodies
Purples and gold’s burn in window panes
Beat an excitable heart
Their striving spirits to rise
Gardens lay before me
Spring twilight, wild and open
Waiting for the day when the unknown was known
Long in the grass
Sprinkled and carelessly flung
Daffodils and bluebells
Handed the burdens everyone else refused to carry
Windblown, waving as they tug
At their roots
This poem is not enough to share my heart
So dear Virginia and blessed Alice
Once again I shall be called
To simply write

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