Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Thoughts of the day..............

I know I have gotten really bad about the Who's Who in Fashion postings I was doing there for a while and I swear I will get back to them.  Things have been kinda chaotic with school but I do love it, it feels like I am really accomplishing something very worth while.  I have to go on record and say though that I think I am in serious trouble with Core Math1.  Out of 154 I scored 24, I know seriously screwed.  Its all online, brand new and my class is among the very first to be using it on the Kent State Stark Campus.  No pressure there .  We have five weeks to learn 90% of the principles and score a 73% or higher to pass.  I have the feeling I am going to take a hit.  Going to check into a Math tutor today after History of Civilization 1.  So keep me in your thoughts as I struggle through Algebra.

My other topic today is Walmart!  I very rarely go there and buy even less.  But last week there was this adorable clock that I thought went beautifully in my freshly repainted studio.  Well the fucker doesn't work!  $20 and the damn thing doesn't work!  The damn thing is going back today for a full refund and G-d as my witness I am NEVER stepping a foot in another g-d damn Walmart as long as I fricking live!  There I spoke my peace.

Speaking of my studio, I actually have two spaces which is really nice.  The larger one which has my drawing table, sewing machine and a big work table needs organized badly.  Maybe today after History class if the weather isn't gorgeous.  Been spending as much time as I can outdoors which has been nice and the dogs love it too.  Well will be posting later today as well---fashion and of course maybe some men, the real reason I think many of you come here---which I appreciate.

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