Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Thought for the day

I know I have been on the down side to posting again but the last of the five week Summer Session at college as started and trying to get used to this brand new schedule.  It has been rough thirteen credit hours in a thirteen week time frame, I don't think I have ever worked so hard in my life.  I thought when I started "Night" that I would end writing about it here and it just didn't seem to happen, maybe it just wasn't meant to be.  Maybe my thoughts, feelings, emotions about that book were to remain mine.  I just know deep down I want to write as profound, eloquent, moving, harrowing and honestly as Elie Wiesel.  I know that is a big goal on my part but I really want to do it.  I have some ideas for this new writing class I am in and I am going to start an idea book like the text book for this class recommends.  Just some scattered thoughts that could become something else, after all a writer writes.

I also know alot of my readers come for the fashion, the eye candy in the form of gorgeous men and that will continue but I also want to get back to actively writing on this blog and putting a voice to who, what I really am, for without doing that I have lost myself.  It been hard the last few weeks and to be honest I have not been talking about it to much of anyone, I am not sure the real reason why but I just haven't.  I feel like I have just let it eat at me, fester and puss if you will at times it does get the better of me.  But as I am reminded nobody likes a "Negative Nancy".

The counseling will be interesting as it ends in four more sessions and it will be interesting to see how far we get, if any resolve will come of it, will I feel better about things or will it all stay the same?  Time will only tell, right now I feel as if I am just going day by day trying to just get through it, not much of a life I know but it seems to work.  School, homework and someties a free weekend to have some fun.

Well until later today and some fashion--keep your chins up kids and know that there is someone out there that does get it.

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