Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Painful post

I know I have been really bad about posting here and I guess I lost my groove, maybe even my inspiration behind what I was blogging about.  It is painful to admit it but it seems like and maybe I am worng but nobody was really caring.  I was doing all the talking for the longest time and then I fell into just picture posts with no text and that seemed to work for a while and then I missed a few days and then a few days became what it is now.  I was posting 6-8 posts everyday and my readership has really suffered because of it  and now it makes me feel even worse.

Like I have let all of you down, I lost the one clear voice when it came to men's fashion on the interente and I am beginning to wonder if I will ever find it again.  Some of it is very personal, so much so I don;t even want to talk about it here, some of it is not and I guess that is what this post is about.

I really wonder if I was providing a viable voice in men's fashion, was it just wonderful eye candy, what made me at the start of the year have 50,000 readers in a month and now well it seems like I have lost my way.  Some of it has been because of my work load at school, some of it has not.  Some of it is personal things I am going through and some of it is not.  Some of it is that my mom has been very ill with 4 strokes within a 5 month period that have left her wuiet frankly a shell of what she once was.  That has been very hard.

Some of it quite frankly is I was hoping for feedback and it just never really happened.  I wanted to provide something no one else was and for a while I was, now lord only knows.  Maybe if I start posting again I will get into the groove of it.


  1. I enjoy reading about YOUR point of view about fashion - if that helps. I also love your life updates. A blog should be somewhat personalized, I believe.

    Much love,

    Stacey Kay
    “Runway Inspiration, Vintage Decoration”
    Giveaway: Win a new wardrobe by Goodwill Huntingg!
    Follow my 30 Day Weight Loss Challenge via YouTube
    Blogger spotlight: Sarah’s Laundry
    My Vintage Handbag Line

  2. Hey, relax. It happens. There will come a time when you will be able to write again.

    Maybe for now, you need to focus on these things first.

    I hope you will be better.

