Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Florent Megdoud & Veza for Gala Magazine----NSFW

Florent Megdoud joins the ever fabulos Veza in this sensual and very sexual accessories editorial by Joachim Baldauf  for German Gala magazine. Marking the first photoshoot Gala story with nudity, the incredible editorial is styled by Yilmaz Aktepe with hair by Helge Branscheidt and makeup by  Gudrun Muller.

Some would wonder if this pushes the envelope into the field of soft core pornography while others I am sure are not concerned with that issue at all.  In this area of digital media and pornogrpahy, yes even very hardcore stuff on the internet for eveyones access I feel this type of approach maybe still shocking for others the shock has simply worn off.  What it makes me wonder is how far will the "pornograhy issue" be pushed further into our everyday advertisaing and if or when Americans will get over this attitude we have in regards to nudity and become as they say "more European" in our thinking.

With this in mind posted below are the actual pictures which feature nudity, so if this is not your cup of tea just skip this post...

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