Thursday, September 29, 2011

A new change--minor though

If you are a regular reader here you will notice a slight change in the way this is now set up.The biggest change is that it is now masculine in feel, versus all of that pink background, hopefully in the process it is easier to read as well and will allow for larger pictures, more dialogue and a better experience over all while you are here.

I know my time commitment to this sight has been sporadic, but with my current 16 credit houtr work load with school it has been hard to find a lot of time for anything.  I enjoy blogging, sharing my thoughts, my feelings and yes even my emotions here as well giving you a glimpse into the word as I see it-- a lot of it is fashion related and there is also a lot of gay issues here but what do you want when you come into a gay man's sight about my life and fashion.  I don't usually talk a lot of politics or sports but then again it is my life.

The last week or two has been really hard as my health seems to be in flux, not so much overall but how I feel.  Like today I feel like I did when I went through my nearly month of being sick in April and we all know how that ended--not so greatly.  I feel completely drained out, m chest is in a lot of pain and it is once again hard or painful to breath.  I go to the doctor tomorrow after missing 3 of my classes today and sleeping form 9 this morning to 3 this afternoon

I have been tyring to keep the posts fun, informative and above all with a tendency towards the "Sexy" if you will as here lately that has been how my thinking has been.  Not that I am sexy mind you but that I am noticing what is sexy more and more.  I also have been tyring to figure out what made this site so popular in January with nearly 50,000 readers but that somehow I have not been able to duplicate those numbers.  I can not begin to sy how much I enjoy what ever my readership is and I appreicate all of you so very muc.  Well unto other topics here.

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