Saturday, September 10, 2011

Thought for the day: Fear


The unknown, the hidden away, the right in front of your very eyes you can't ignore it, the reoccurring situation.  How does one handle what we perceive to be the truth when we are living in fear?  Afraid of what are actions may cause?  Afraid of what life would be like once we have burned all of our bridges?  Fear of what others will think if we actually speak what is on our minds once and for.

When is enough, enough?  When is their no turning back?  When do we step away from the past and into an unknown future?  How do we find the inner strength, as a friend of mine would say "balls to the wall
 and live fearlessly.

Does nobody talk about?  Does it scare our friends when we do?  Are we seen as afraid?  What is the shame in that?  Isn't fear normal, to some kind of degree?

Or is it a lack of self confidence?  A lack of self worth?  A missing self value?  What would it take to find all of those things and if so how does one find it if they are living in fear? Is it even possible? Is the past, and where we have been enough of an experience to gain a foothold and come roaring out of fear?  Or are we to remain forever shackled to the prison walls of fear?  When can we expect to conquer the vaporous being and once and for all live in the light?

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