Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"Through Cocoa Colored Eyes"--original storyor

I feel like I should say this before you dive right in on what was my last story for Fiction 1 this summer.  It is not a story for everyone.  The theme is rape and the tone is rather violent as well as a language level that may be offensive to some readers because of the amount of profanity.  With that I said, I felt this story needed to be told this way and no other.  I do hope you enjoy, and once again I would love your feedback.

“Fuck that uptight neurotic crap Christian College, who the hell needs this stinking shit anyway!  I don’t need that G-d damn fucking football scholarship anyhow! G-d damn coach was a fucking faggot pussy who kept looking at my dick anyway!  I can make it on my own!  I don’t need anyone!” 
My deepest darkest thoughts, yet I couldn’t verbalize any of them to anyone I knew.  My bad-tempered conservative Christian friends and family would never understand I fucked it all up when all I wanted to do was live my life my way.
            The car pulls out of the driveway.  I head toward my bedroom.  Finally a full week by myself; no g-d damn brothers and sisters, I hate them all. No more bitching parents yelling at me all hours of the night and day. No more fucking anything for seven whole days.  I reach under my mattress to grab the pill bottle with ten Vicodin pills in it.  Each of them is 200 milligrams a piece.  I take two, grab the fifth of Vodka hidden in the closet under the mounds of mildewed sweaty jockstraps and football gear from last fall’s triumphant season and slug both back with ease. Exactly what I need.
            I grab the phone. “Hey, yeah I hear your back home.  Jesus what is that crap? Do you even know what the hell you are doing?” What happened? “Like I really give a flying fuck about your pathetic life.”  Really wow, unfreaking believable right?  Who the fuck do they think they are, right” Hey, by the way are you free tonight. ‘Oh, sweet Jesus that incredible ass is so damn inviting.  It’s nearly begging for it.’  Maybe get a pizza or something?  ‘Nothing but a hot hole needing it bad, those milky thighs wrapped around mine.” Great see you by nine then ‘You fucking whore’. Bye.”
I run back into my bedroom, rip the lose stitches on the bottom side of the mattress and dig out my joint.  Thanking Jimmy for supplying the pills and dope. I walk onto the front steps, light the match.  Take big hard drags. My head hovering somewhere in space, I walk back into the house change my t-shirt, lose the underpants I am wearing and pull my ratty jeans back on.  My dick slapping my thigh.
Bet they were fucked at least once while at college fucking cracker.  Stupid assmonkey perky rose colored mouth needs my dick shoved in it. Fucking leave my father’s church all high and mighty white trash assbag nothing, with a full dumbshit scholarship. Whining, ‘I couldn’t find work, I had no food.  What was I supposed to do’, fucking fuckersucker lightweight!” 
The end of my joint I walk to the garage the snow is starting to fall.  I find buried in the Corvette I was trying to rebuild my bottle of whiskey from last year the bottle half full. I grab the grease covered Styrofoam cup from Sunoco fill it to the rim and down the son of a bitch in one gulp.
My dick stirs in my pants “Oh sweet baby Jesus, those eyes.  So inviting, fuck me. You know you want to.  Do you hear what I am saying?  I need you so bad.  Do you need me? How can somebody be born so attractive.  That mouth just begs to be abused.” As I grab and rub my crotch.
I see the white Chevy Chevette pull into the drive as I walk back upstairs.  About time you fucking asshole jackoff.  “Hey good seeing you. Really sorry to hear about college” as I open the door.  “Well you know how it is three part time jobs and I didn’t have enough to buy peanut butter. 
But how have you been David?”  “Not bad. ‘Fucking liar.’ College is just great. ‘G-d what the hell is this all about.  It isn’t some bullshit happy hour. I just want to fuck.’ Take your coat off, make yourself comfortable. ‘You fucking cum dumpster douchebag. G-d what a fucking hot body, certainly no lardass by any means.’ “Want a Pepsi?”  “Sure thing, David.”
“So you been going to church? ‘Christ Almighty, can you be any more fucking lame?” “Well actually David, I uh…well I uh um… converted.”  “To what may I ask?  Really like I give a crap what this asshole does.” 
“Well uh…umm how do I say this I am studying to convert to Judaism?”  “Motherfucker, shit my dad is going crap you a fucking kike.”  My left hand swings out and it hits that face palm side facing out. My senior ring leaving a clear mark.  I hit again and again and again.
I see the blood, there is no turning back.  I grab the t-shirt on their slim frame and rip it off, throw them to the floor, my foot stomping them into the beige colored carpet.  “Please, David don’t!”
I grab my hunters knife in my hip pocket and slice those tight 501 jeans clean off.  Their nothing but rags.  “G-d David NO! NO! NO!”  “Shut the fuck up”, I slap again straight across the mouth, my senior ring splicing that full pink mouth and the blood flows unto the carpet.
“G-d please don’t.  David please don’t.  I said clam up my foot grinding their chest into the carpet.  With my knife in my hand I slice off that snow white tight underwear.  “Oh that mothafuckin’ supple white ass” as I drop my pants.
My erection bobbing in front of me.  I bend down and reach under the sofa I graze those full white mounds of ivory flesh and a bead of precum lays glistening on the white of it.  DAVID, DAVID, DAVID, DAVID, NO!!!  The scream is deafening.
 Sweet Jesus fucking Christ.  There just begging for it.”  I grab the gun under the sofa and start pistol whipping that head.  Six short fast blows.  “You’re such a fucking waste of space, you fucking loser.” As I mount that fragrant sugary ass dry.
Thank g-d the noise as stopped. Do you hear me, you need more, you crave it David” As I violently pound into that sweet pathetic dumbass.  “Fuck, is that blood there.” As I run my fingers through that soft mousy brown hair.  Shit, they aren’t conscious. What the fuck do we care about this for it is about the fuck and only the fuck.  Blowing your wad man.  They had it coming.  These things happen in life.”
They move a little, a slight moan I grab that syrupy spicy leg bend it towards me, that arches that smoking fine ass.  Easier access.  They stir.  I pull hard.  Hear a bone snap.
 Fully awake. “DAVID, what the fuck are you doing? David please.”  The tears begin to well.  I bash that bloody head into the floor, six times.  Oh my god, the eyes are rolling back.  They will never survive, now what the fuck” as I leave my semen in that sultry ass dripping down that milky thigh with blood.
I run to my bedroom naked, rip the sheet off the bed roll them into it.  Pull my pants on. Throw them over my shoulder. Walk outside in to the garage. Open the trunk to the car. Throw them in. Jump into the car. Turn the ignition.  Screaming out of the driveway.
Do you hear me?  You have to get rid of that body!  Can you hear me?  It was never to end this badly.  What the FUCK.  Do you hear me, get rid of the evidence.”
Roaring down the dirt road to the nearest Amish field I bring the car to a sudden jerking stop. Pop open the trunk.  Grab the unmoving, barely breathing body and walk the ninety paces to the creek and dump the body in the woods. 
Breaking their arm in the fall from my shoulder to the frozen dirt. “Fucking bullshit, douchebag, dumbass, cumwhore.  Why did you EVER have to come home?
As he began speaking Elliot lowered his small coca colored eyed and stared intensely at the ground.  Hugging himself tightly, a continuous flow of tears fell down his face.  “Ladies, gentlemen, and the staff of The National Center for Victims of Crime.  This is not a story about my being sodomized.  This is not a story about Hate Crimes.  This is my personal story about forgiveness.

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