Friday, September 23, 2011

TODAY: Castro Nude-In

In a pre-Folsom Street Fair event that is sure to draw the scorn of America's wingnuts, a group of male nudists plans to hold a "nude-in" at the corner of Castro and Market streets tomorrow.
George Davis, a 65-year-old nudist best known for his unsuccessful run against Gavin Newsom in the 2007 mayor’s race, said the nude-in is just about letting people know it’s legal to go naked in San Francisco. (He’s right; it’s only illegal if one is aroused.) “You wouldn’t believe how many people don’t know it’s OK to be nude, it’s not illegal,” he said. “It’s just conveying a message that nude is not lewd, that you have a right to be nude. That’s about it.”

Wishing right about now I was living in San Francisco, just saying I would so do this in a NYC second.  If any of my readers attend the even feel free to forward any photographs for possible consideration for use on this blog---be more than happy to give you credit for it.

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