Sunday, November 6, 2011

17 Year Old Organizes Protest and March For LGBT Equality In Cincinnati, OH

And a child shall lead them…

17 year old high school student Adam Hoover wants to make a difference.

So Adam, with help from a number of supporters, including Nicholas David Wymer, a junior at Walnut Hills High School,  have stepped up to organize what could be a huge rally in downtown Cincinnati, OH today (Saturday) in support of same-sex marriage and LGBT Equality.

“I know I don’t have to do something, but I feel like I need to do something,” Hoover said. “People don’t feel accepted anymore and I thought, start something. So I came up with the ideaAdam and Nick have used social media networking sites  to create buzz for the event.   A Facebook page called “Support Gay Marriage in OHIO”already has over 172,000 followers.And while Adam can’t say exactly how many people will attend, it has potential to be the largest LGBT protest to ever happen in Cincinnati with over 2,500 people already sending RSVP’s including a group of 25 people from Texas and another group from New York.
 ”Adam always wants to make a change. He doesn’t want to be the one who is quiet. He works on it from the time he gets up until school, until 1 or 2 a.m. in the morning,” said Hoover’s mother, Anna Abdin
Adam said he hopes to change a few attitudes this weekend and ignite a new discussion about same-sex marriage in Ohio.”I don’t know if it will but it’s a goal,” Hoover saidThe protest itself start at 11 a.m. on Fountain Square, 520 Vine Street. Cincinnati, OH and then march to the Underground Railroad Freedom Center at 12 noon and stop for a few speakers – including gay Cincinnati City Council candidate Chris Seelbach – and then continue to march around Cincinnati until 6 p.m.

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