Saturday, December 31, 2011

Another Pedophile Coach Arrested, This Time for Filming Middle Schoolers Showering

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Patrick Lott: Accused pedophile.
A high-ranking Bernardsville Middle School educator and past Somerset County freeholder candidate is facing charges that he allegedly recorded boys showering at Immaculata High School in Somerville, according to the Somerset County Prosecutor’s Office.

Authorities last week arrested Patrick Lott, a 54-year-old assistant middle school principal, after videos of nude teenagers were found in his Somerville home. Authorities used a Superior Court search warrant to enter his house on Dec. 13 and Dec. 16, Somerset County Prosecutor Geoffrey Soriano said.

According to Soriano, the videos showed teenagers showering in the Immaculata High School boys’ communal shower area. Nine of them are under 16 years old, Soriano said.

Police found three years worth of shower footage in Lott’s home. An examination of the school locker room turned up a group of devices used for the secret videotaping.

Let’s be perfectly clear here though, Patrick Lott is a married, heterosexual man. His daughter even attends the school he was filming students at. Let’s not for even a second get it twisted that pedophilia and homosexuality are two very different things.

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