Monday, January 16, 2012

Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph Sued Over “Gay” Sexual Harassment

Larry Probst an archivist at the Catholic Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph is suing  the Diocese for sexual harassment, sex discrimination and retaliation, in Federal Court claiming that he was fired for objecting to pervasive homosexual sexual harassment from priests who lusted over a male co-worker.
Probst who worked as an assistant to the diocese’s archivist  claims his bosses, the Rev. Charles Michael Coleman and Fr. Robert Cameron, continually ”fawned” over his co-worker Michael St. George, and that the three sexually harassed him. Cameron even said St. George “could ‘cum in my hand,” the complaint states.

Probst claims other ”unwanted and unwelcome sexual harassment,” included:
     a. Sexually offensive comments from St. George such as ‘I don’t date someone with a hatchet wound,’ referring to a girlfriend of a co-worker.
     ”b. Sexually offensive comments from St, George about removing pornography from his computer desktop before he could allow a Parish Soft technician access to his computer.
     ”c. Sexually offensive advances and gestures from St. George such as arching up and grabbing his crotch while riding in a vehicle with plaintiff at the request of Father Coleman.
     ”d. Sexually offensive comments from Father Coleman, such as about games men play where the loser has to ‘service’ the other men under the table.
Probst complained throughout  the series of incidents which began in thee Summer/Fall of 2010 until  March 18, 2011,  when Probst met with the Chancellor of the Diocese, Bradley Offutt who discouraged him from pressing his complaint and told Probst that he could lose his job because of it.
 On June 30, Probst was fired by the Diocese, citing “lack of funding.”
He is seeking back pay, front pay in lieu of reinstatement, and compensatory and punitive damages.

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