Saturday, January 14, 2012

Cyndi Lauper Unhappy "True Colors" Used in Romney Attack Ad

Via the Advocate: "Iconic entertainer Cyndi Lauper, whose song "True Colors" has become synonymous with the advancement of LGBT equality, is unhappy about its unauthorized use in a negative political campaign ad.

Lauper has released a statement, saying: "Yesterday, I learned that my version of 'True Colors' was used in a negative political ad focused on Mitt Romney without my knowledge and approval.

While I am in no way a fan of Mitt Romney, my music is meant to lift people up, especially 'True Colors.' The song has been a tremendous source of healing and acceptance for so many people and for it to be used in such a negative way dishonors its history and intention.

I am a huge supporter of President Obama and his re-election, but I have let the responsible party know how disappointed I am the song was used and asked that it be removed from the ad."

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