Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thought for the day

The new semester has started, and believe it or not I am swamped more than any other semester so far.  Three new computer programs to learn for three of my classes. Spanish One has been the hardest but starting next week I have a tutor--hurrah.  I have never had a foreign language class, not even in highschool. When I was in higshool now nearly thirty years ago you could opt out of foreigh language and that is what I opted to do at the time, now which turns out to be a BIG mistake. Needless to say I am terrified that not only am I not going to learn Spanish, but that I am going to look like an old fool in the process.

This semester also has me beginning my Honors Thesis which is on gays in the Holcaust and will be this Creative Nonfiction piece that I am so excited about. I have a fair amount of research to do and by the end of this semester in thirteen weeks I have a bibliography, a perspectous and a general outline of what will become at least one hundred pages.  The other goal I have is turn this project into a book, that I will be so thrilled to see on the shelf in a bookstore.

The other thing I am really looking forward to working on the Canto staff, which is a literarture publication we have on campus.  Our first meeting is next week and I am really looking forward to finding out exactly what I will be doing.

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