Monday, April 21, 2014

"In God's Silence": First Book Update

First of all thank you to those of you who still come to read this blog.  It is deeply appreciated.  I know posting has been eradicate but life does every now and then comes up and things must be dealt with.

The last few months for me, physically speaking, have been very rough.  The pain in my chest and back, for the last ten years, is again at its worst.  The doctor I'm seeing for this thinks its Neuropathy.  To tell you the truth I'm not sure if that is what it is or not.  I just know I am in horrific pain.  The last two weeks or so I've slept on the couch, which is the only lace I can get comfortable.  I also think this pain, at times, effects my ability to think clearly and rationally which then affects my ability to write.

My new (and first) book is doing extremely well.  I've sold forty copies in the three weeks it has been available on  I have managed to get my book in the Kent State University at Stark book store--- for sale, and also in their lending libraries and archives.  There are perks to being alumni.  I also have my book on the desk of the manager of the Fairlawn, Ohio Barnes & Noble for consideration.

My first reviews for my book (outside of a class room where this project started) has come out:

"I am halfway through the book and I must say it is very riveting.  This book will go far.  Thank  you Charles Dale for such a memorable story." Mrs. Ginny Greenhill

From author of "Beyond John Dunn" and "The Light of a Bright Sun" Thurman P. Banks Jr.

A heart-wrenching trial of love, loss, and hope
I struggle to find the words that can adequately describe Charlie Dale's debut. A truly gifted wordsmith, Charlie mingles in the world of poetry, prophecy, and prose that often left me rereading for the simple pleasure of basking in the beauty of Mr. Dale's writing style. "In God's Silence", we walk a mile and more in young Christoph's shoes, a diffucult task for even the most fleeting of foot. We find ourselves lost in love, lost in a family that has turned their hearts on (against) us, and lost in ( a) box, imprisoned in Aushcwitz, (and)  imprisoned in our mind. Charlie Dale doesn't just tell us about atrocities, he shows us with a gentle hand and open heart, he guides us through a world we have never seen. For this, for all of this, I am grateful. If the true mark of a great book is the life that lingers on, than you can mark my words that this is a great book, as "In God's Silence", I will forever hear the voices that remain.

I also have my first public presentation this Friday at Kent State University at Stark for the Honor's College Conference in Room 212 in the Fine Arts Building.  I start at 9:00 a.m.  I will:

  1.  Be speaking about the background and research that went into this book
  2.  what prompted it. 
  3. I will be reading a passage from the book. 
  4. Showing a short movie of images I found.
  5. And finally taking questions about the project and book.
Then on May 16th at 7:00 p.m. I have my first public "Meet and Greet the Author" at Keillor's a Teddy Bear Shoppe at 117 Canal Street, Canal Fulton, OH  where I will be doing the same thing as I did at KSU with the addition of wine, cheese and finger-foods.

If you haven't gotten your signed book yet you need to email me at to put in your request.  The book is $15 plus a $4.00 shipping charge within the USA if it has to be shipped.  Over seas prices vary depending on distention; or you can order a non-signed book through at

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