Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I AM as you are......

I was reading the obituaries this morning over breakfast and ran across this beautiful poem that I really wanted to share. The gentleman that wrote it David Schneck, according to the paper ( from his obituary in the Akron Beacon Journal) "Always felt that nature was his greatest teacher and found tremedous strength and peace in it's presence. Most of all he spent his journey in search of peace and his dream was to see all beings as one. David believed that true peace and harmony are found in G-d and that true freedom starts with realizing we are all one".

I AM as you are

YOU are as I AM

I AM the beginning

The middle, the end

Anything thought

Can, comprehend

Father, Mother

Daughter, Son

Bees, flower or tree

All are me

Every emotion,

Feeling, thought

There isn't anything

I AM not

You have done your best

To seperate me from you

Yet I tell you this, we are

One never TWO

Life and breath

The light and the way

Your eyes will

Open one day

The choice is yours

Free will I have given

For free will, I AM

The truth is simple

I AM as you are

You are as I AM

by David Schneck

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