Tuesday, June 12, 2007

A few scattered thoughts

My day has been one of those where my thoughts are quite scattered and I guess I wanted to share some of them.

1#. Have you ever noticed that when emotionally at the lowest that is when the window of temptation is thrown wide open and your morals are put at a trial.

2#. Have you ever noticed that at times silence is the only thing that needs to said, sometimes silence is golden.

3#. Have you ever noticed that when your thoughts are scattered you can not seem to get anything worth while done? Maybe it is because you can't focus?! Maybe because your attention span is squat?!

I guess for know that is about all of my thoughts, except for one. I want to include in this post a "Youtube" clip Harvery Feirstien did on "If you had the ear of the President". It was from the "In the Life Series" and I guess I wanted to share his thoughts, since this is Gay Pride week, I wanted to share his thoughts before the nonsense and television ads of the primaries started, I wanted us to take the time and stop and think before all the rhetoric started. So here you go.......

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And of course something else for those who enjoy the music posts in my blog--the kind of stuff that could be perceived as naughty... but then again let your mind wander and let the pulse take over---Sometimes music can be the only true escape....

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