Friday, June 8, 2007

Strawberry Fields Forever--Oh my aching back

Ok, I know the title is a little odd but, oh how very ture. The nursing home where Jim works, there was a gentleman a few years back that planted a few strawberry plants, the plants of course grew, the gentleman died last year and now the area were those strawberries are planted is going to be under construction for an expansion of the home. The nursing home has decided to rip said plants up and throw them all away. Jim and I being the ever frugal queens we are decided to dig up oh--100 plants and plant them in the back yard.

Well the area had to be dug up, by hand as no one in the neighbor hood had a rotar tiller, said plants had to be dug up and then replanted--OY VEY, my aching back 5 HOURS later every bone and muscle in my body throbs, but all the plants are planted and all the berries picked about 3 quarts believe it or not--and all for free--plants and berries!

If we are lucky we will get that thunderstorm tonight they are talking about and said plants will survive and multiply--until my aching back recovers---STRAWBERRY FIELDS FOREVER---DUDE!

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