Saturday, July 28, 2007

A day off from dolly work

Well, I have finally done it and with no real huge side effects I might add--what is that you ask freind?? I day off and doing no dolly work! It doesn't happen often but when it does its like a breath of fresh air. Like re-energizing your batteries if you will, because as we all know it gets a little overwhelming at times.

So how did I spend my day you may ask--well kids, I painted for damn near the whole day. Yep drug out the brushes and the cavases, turned on the stero with disco music in the CD player--cranked it as loud as it would go and just lost myself in s series of paint. What a wonderful day I have had, no pressure to finish them, no deadlines, timelines, no phone, no television, no one bothering me as Jim was at work and just painted for the sake of painting.

I am working on a Vistorian/turn of the century woman piece for my dentist and his wife who have given me FREE all my dental work and their home is deocrated in that kind of style so it should fit beautifully. I also worked some ona breand new Anna Nicole piece I started a while back that should be just a knock out and had the idea today that I am also going to paint a portrait of Tammy Faye Baker Messner, not exactly sure why but thought it would be fun and campy.

Speaking of Tammy Faye the first "Youtube" vid inthat blog entry about her dying is fixed so please take a look at when you have the time. I have CDs of music by her ordered at the library and they should be coming in any day now, she had in my opinon a great voice.

I sent off my check for my space for my first outdoor art showing in September at the "Clinton Apple Fest" its a very small town near us but 1,200 people in 5 hours will hopefully see my stuff-- I am a little nervous but very excited. If I am really lucky maybe I can sell something as well. Lets all pray I do!!
I have to start the drawings for the mural I was hired to do--not sure if I mentioned this yet or not but its a huge on for a freind of mine and her indoor swimming pool room. Three huge arched panels that take up the whole wall and she wants a Floridian lanscape painted on it, so I started gathering ideas for it. Should be a lot of fun and something different as well.

Well gang hope you all have a nice and fun filled weekend.


You all sing along as Donna provides the words and the "bouncing ball"

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