Friday, July 27, 2007

My week and Harry Potter stuff

Well this week has been mostly all work and very little down/me time and frankly it has grown really old really fast. I have to be able to find a balance somehow and I am not sure how to exactly do it. I know I am not alone in this boat over all work no play or all overtime but at times it gets very lonely and yes friends depressing.

CanI be honest here and some something I have wanted to say for a long long time here ---I would do almost anything to be able to be a big time succesful dollmaker--selling dolls all over, ads in big time magazines, a name people recognized, a person people longed to meet, dolls people HAD to have and not have to worry about a lot of the things so many of us worry about. How will we pay all the bills, how will we ever get ahead--the average joe kind of thing and not have to struggle so hard all the time, which grows old as well.

You just work so long and so hard you begin at times to wander will it ever pay off, will it ever get me what I so desperatley want, does it even matter--are people even reading my words here and do they relate, do they give a damn. 40 posts/entries, 277 hits and barely any responses, what are people who read this think?? What would it take to get more people to read, to respond, to maybe even share their thoughts and experiences--am I putting to much personal information out and people do not know how to deal with it, respond to it and am I stepping in a terriority all to familiar to too many??

Maybe for the people in my doll groups it isn't enough about dolls or what I am doing doll wise, in my Wizard of Oz group maybe it isn't Oz-zie enough--you knows--maybe I need to somehow draw more readers to get some kind of response. DO I even care, why am I even saying all this?

I want to say here that as of last night I finished the "Harry Potter and the DeathlyHallows" last night at about 10:30 p.m. and loved it. My favorite chapter had to be the "Kings Crossing" Chapter and if any one else has read it would love ot have a conversation with you about that chapter in particular. I will be doing a post here in a few days, but I want others to have the chance to read the book before I talk about that chapter.

I do also want to say here that at times the depression I have been suffering from the last few months, and that I am on medication for, has been overwhelming and it seems that there is noo one to talk to about it--someone that gets it, wants to hear about it, somebody that has been there. Myabe counseling is the answer, or a support group. It is a very real, dark and empty space that I and others like me are in and I know for myself I wish there were a way out. I have dealt with some very serious issues in my life but ths one has been one the hadest ones I have had as it is just so emotional.

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