Sunday, July 22, 2007

Tammy Faye Baker Messner has died

For me the news today of the death of Tammy Faye Baker Messner was one of shock and huge sadness. I had the incredible privilege of meeting this wonderful, beautiful, funny, christian woman at the height of their PTL fame and before the scandal brought about because of Jerry Falwell and his group of followers and staff. It was in a christian college that my church had us as seniors visit when I was in High school and Jim and Tammy Faye were there as well as Andre Crouch, Sandi Patti, Oral Roberts, Billy Graham, Robbie Heiner.

Even before leaving the "Southern Conservative Baptist" upbringing I had I adored Tammy Faye, I think it was all the hair, the clothes and all that make-up. She even then seemed so real to me. Then her being the very first "fundamentalist christian" to support and love people dying with AIDS when they were on PTL.

I vividly remember when I met her she took my hand in hers and with tears in her eyes said to me "Young man I see G-d working and doing great things in your life, there may be trials along the way but my dear boy remember G-d is carrying you in his arms when it is the darkest". With her hands still in mine she sang to me "His Eye is On the Sparrow", hugged me, kissed me and said it was a real privilege meeting me--and this was way before I even "came out" to myself, my family, before I lost 2 partners, before and AIDS Diagnosis before G-d was even really working in my life.

Then scandal and we the gay community loved her, some of us sent her money and concert dates to support her and really honestly loved her when NO ONE else did.

She in turn, went and raised millions of dollars for AIDS and AIDS survivors in Gay bars, at Circuit White Parties, drag shows and at Gay Parades. She talked openly about us and openly loved us even on Larry King. She is and always be one of the communities biggest friends and supporters and I shall miss her terribly--it would have been nice to have met her again and to let her now what a tremendous impact she had on my life but I guess now I will have to wait till I see her at the gates of heaven welcoming me in, before I can really return that hug to her and say "Thank you Tammy Faye, I loved you all along".

This first "Youtube" post is a gay man who so eloquently puts some of my thoughts to words--the ending had me in tears.

This next one is a photo collection of Tammy Faye and yes---kids its her singing--again I was a bundle of raw emotion and so many memories of my few mintues with her came flooding back--I want this version of this song , sung by her played at my funeral someday as well when my time comes. Until then Tammy Faye G-d has welcomed you home as well as thousands of gay men whose lives you made the difference.

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