Tuesday, August 14, 2007


I want to start and say thank G-d it has finally cooled off here some, because of the rain storms that ran through her last week. The humidity hasn't nearly been as terrible as it was nor has the actual temperature itself, we haven't had to run the air conditioner in the bedroom the last few days where there for a while we hardly shut it off. Matter of fact very late last night/very eraly this morning I had to pull the light weight balnket on the bed as I was chilly.

The pepper plants so have far have only produced two peppers but the cucumbers are going beserk and even though they are samll they are so good. The tomatoes how ever have been pathetic--tiny, green and not very many of them like last year maybe we haven't had enough rain for them to do any better.

Well I passed my TB test that I had to have for the upcoming Spirituality/Chaplain course I am taking at Akron General Hospital which begins in September. Join me in prayer that we get at least teo more people to sign up as they need at least three to hold it and right now I am the only one regisitered. This is part two of the class and includes some psychitary--maybe I could set a booth like Lucy from the "Peanuts" comics and give out advice for an iuckel !

The doll work has kept me very busy, and the painting right now I take one full day off of doll work and do nothing but paint. I also have a doll I am doing for our church raffle for the Norton Apple Festival, have one I promised Akron Childrens Hospital for their big Christmas fundraising event and of course my Dream Halloween piece. When do I find the time to sleep you ask--I don't know !

Unto the INCREDIBLE news, I went to my HIV Specialist (who I went back to after almost a year and a half of seeing someone closer to home)last week and got some news that knocked me out of my chair......

1st- When I went back to him I weighed a mere 155 which for me was horrific--I looked like a death camp survivor honestly ( a 29 waist when normal for me is 33-35). I know weigh an even 200!

2nd- No new signs of Kaposi Sarcoma or KS as its called--which is what I was dealing with at the Orlando National BArbie doll convetion. While the lesions i had then are now COMPLETELY GONE!!

3rd-- The biggest was my t-cells and viral load. Kepp in mind a normal t-cell range is around 1,800 so the higher the numbers the better and viral load is the amount of activity the HIV/AIDS virus has in your body so the lower those numbers the better. When I went back to my t-cells were 11 and a viral load of 35,000. My first tests after changing meds were 55 t-cells and an undectible viral load, this time around t-cells were 158 and viral load still undectible.

Now this is the highest my t-cells have been in eight years and if they go above 200 it wil be the first time in 15 years. When I heard the news I about fell out of my chair but thrilled, so apparently my meds are working and the love of a partner and my dog can't hurt any thing either.

Well gang, guess I will close for today here and hopefuly can put in an entry here tommorrow--See you then. So until then join me and lets boggie to some Bee Gee's


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