Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Update from last week

Well gang, you know if you have been in here, in a regular basis I missed all of last week and part of this one as well--bad blog author bad!! But between the heat making me, and most of us, absoultely miserable and some days down right sick and between the back log of work that I have been trying to get done it has been beyond hectic.

If your wondering why the heat has taken its toll here it has been upper 90s to 100s for days now and the freaking humidty has been the worst of it, there were a few days were I could ring out the sweat of a shirt I was wearing, it was that bad. The part that makes this even worse is the house doesn't have central air and the only room with an in window air conditioner is the bedroom, so we have been hanging out there an awful lot. More Jim than tnan me the last couple days as the heat has been making him very naseaus to say the least of it.

The other part of this equation is that the heat has also, like may f you, drained everything out of me and have ended up taking naps mid-afternoon because of the sheer exhaustion. Enough heat talk, good news I got my very first bell pepper out of my garden yesterday, my first tomatoe as well day before yesterday and trimmed back some of the growing lavender and debating between cookies, tea or making soap with it. Decisions, decisions, decisions.

I have a question here for my readers who do doll owrk or work that others pay you for your service. I had a lady last week, who I had a susipion would be a pain in the butt just from the very first meeting, and especially from the day she picked the repair up. Well she called me day before Monday and proceeded to call me everything in the book except a white boy. Said me work was inferior at best, amateurish, the skills of a 5 year old and that after paying for it my fees were absoulutely positively too high. It involved a pair of leather shoes I made and I won't get into everything she said but I said I would look at them to settle this once and for all and to bring them over. Well this woman is like 5 flipping minutes by car from my house and said "well, I can't make it all today but when I do have the time I will call you in advance.

Ok I know we all have lives here but this person is 5 minutes away, just reamed me a new--you know what and now insults me by not taking care of the same day she called! What I guess I want to know is how should I handle this and or how would you handle this. I mean many of you know me, know my work and know I have been in this a very long time, treat every job I do as if I owned the doll myself and many of you now that to some degree I am a respected, honorable, trustworthy artist. This people really hurt me to the core and left me never wanting to work on dolls repair wise ever again.

Today is my check up with my HIV Specialist and i get my last t-cell count and viral load report as well as my check up, hoping everything oges well and i promise to let you all in on the results tommorrow in a post.

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