Wednesday, November 28, 2007

the start of a cold?

Not much work done today
Felt absolutely awful after lunch
Tired fatigued, headachy
More than likely one of my "bad days"

Could be the start of what

Jim has had the last few days
Makes me glad I have

a safe home
A warm bed
A loving dog

a doting husband

Not sure if this is even on Broadway anymore
but the lyrics seemsed to fit my mood
here lately
I am NOT the boy next door
the exception to the rule
the rare find--

the true friend
devoted care giver

the only difference is I want

2 b the Boy Going to Oz

I want 2 B Rescued from

death by Glinda

I want my heart enlarged,

2 the point of bursting

my courage enriched,

where I could face anything

but where nothing

very serious happens

my brains challenged

Why can't they make TV like this anymore??

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