Saturday, December 1, 2007

A Snow ice storm and a new friend

Well tonight is the start of our first real snow and ice storm here tonight and it is bitter cold--the kind that cuts right through you when the wind blows. The kind your nose instantly runs and your forze to the bone, think tommorrow will be spent inside except long enought to take the dog out.

The "cold" or start of it is about hte same today the only difference today was the incredible head ache/ringing I had all day long along with this "indescribable" dizzy feeling,a nd we all know that there is nothing worse than a "dizzy queen"

Been working on this rather large job for a doll customer and trying very hard to get it done soon for some extra money for Christmas, it has been hard though feeling the way I do here lately.

One new note of great intrest to my readers is my newest freind that I just love to pieces---my newest "baby" if you will a will be 3 year old (this April actually) female Shi Itzu-- that is the same color as my Jackie, smaller in size though--we decided to name are you all ready---GLINDA! Yep I went there named my dog after an Oz character. Will have to take some pictures of her to post here but we got her last night from the same owner as Jackie and here is the kicker we got Glinda for FREE! The woman just wanted her to have a loving caring home! Well Jim and I can do that!

Since today is World AIDS Awareness Day, let us all take the time and remember the dead, keep in our prayers the living and ask G-d in his wisdom to grant us a cure.

And then in honor of my newest baby--her namesake.....

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