Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Finally some results.............. I guess

Well the bone scan tests came back and you ready they showed absolutely, positively NOTHING!! It has me so discouraged and upset I don't know which end is up. I feel about the same, and i am tired of feeling that way. My HIV Specialist has me booked tommorow for a CT Scan in Cleveland, my GEneral Practioner--the gal you found this in th efirst palce wants me to have new x-rays and to see a Pulmonary Specailist Thursday. In th emean time the AIDS Taskforce along with the state of Ohio is having some kind of computer glitch and the paperwork has not even been started. It just seems like there is no break in sight.

So in a fit of anger I worked longer than i should have today and tonight am paying for it. Now don't get to worrried it wasn't like hours on end but it was more than i should have even tried. It was either that or just sit and cry. It just seems like the more ask for anything in any way shpe or form the less I get. I am tired of asking, I am tired of saying anything and personally I am to the point where I don't feel like saying anything about this anymore to anyone--it just doesn't make any difference.

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