Monday, January 14, 2008

Very Frustrating day

Well I had to have my teeth cleaned today so jim took me this morning as had some very serious trouble walking and being in the cold made breathing very painful to say the least. The cleaning exam went well and he didn't keep me long as I guess I looked really bad as well.

I came home called my docotor's office and the fraking office never got the xrays--un-freaking believeable so they were calling to get them and here we are now at 6:30 at night and I still have no damn results. I am calling again first thing in the morning about this and more than likely raising holy hell if they still don't have them.

I then placed a call to my Case worker at the AIDS Taskforce in outr area to have her call me abou the paper work and what was happening if anything with the part time aide, and again 6:35 at night and NOTHING--is it to much to ask for a g-d damn phone call? Such incompetitance!

It just seems like I suffer in silence without anyone giving a shit less and I am to the point where I just can not take anymore of it. Is it so much to ask for just a little compassion, a little sympathy, a little support-- I mean what if it were any worse or gets any worse? Am I still going to be getting nothing!

I am sorry if I come off as ranting but I am just so tired of being so sick and absoultely nothing being done about it. It has grown very old very fast and am I just to sit back and take it? What I would like to know is if it is like this for me are there others out there that have it just as bad or even worse? If so how do they deal with it, cope with it and somehow survive?

The thing that has been the most frustrating has been th e absolute silence--that I know for sure I know I can not take anymore of--it has to change, or I may lose my mind.

At this point I guess all I ask is pray

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