Sunday, February 24, 2008

Civil Rights Activist Johnnie Carr dies

MONTGOMERY, Ala. (Feb. 23) - Johnnie Carr, who joined childhood friend Rosa Parks in the historic Montgomery bus boycott and kept a busy schedule of civil rights activism up to her final days, has died. She was 97.

Carr died Friday night, said Baptist Health hospital spokeswoman Melody Ragland. She had been hospitalized after a stroke Feb. 11. Carr succeeded the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. as president of the Montgomery Improvement Association in 1967, a post she held at her death. It was the newly formed association that led the boycott of city buses in the Alabama capital in 1955 after Parks, a black seamstress, was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to whites on a crowded bus.A year later the U.S. Supreme Court struck down racial segregation on public transportation."

Johnnie Carr is one of the three major icons of the Civil Rights Movement: Dr. King, Rosa Parks and Johnnie Carr," said Morris Dees, co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center. "I think ultimately, when the final history books are written, she'll be one of the few people remembered for that terrific movement." As the Improvement Association's president, Carr helped lead several initiatives to improve race relations and conditions for blacks. She was involved in a lawsuit to desegregate Montgomery schools, with her then-13-year-old son, Arlam, the named plaintiff."

She hadn't been sick up until she had the stroke," Arlam Carr said Saturday. "It was such a massive stroke that she never was able to recover from it. She was still very active - going around and speaking - but it was just one of those things." She played a prominent role in 2005 on the 50th anniversary of Parks' refusal to give up her bus seat, speaking to thousands of school children who marched to the Capitol." Look back, but march forward," Carr urged the huge crowd of young people.

She also traveled to memorial services in Washington, where her eulogy of Parks was "really the most dynamic" moment, recalled Julian Bond, chairman of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People." There were many people who spoke who were much better known ... but she carried the day," said Bond, who helped found the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee. Just days before her stroke, Carr participated in King Day ceremonies in Montgomery, speaking after a parade.

Admirers marveled at her energy and commitment into her 90s. "She was always an encourager and not a divider," Mayor Bobby Bright told the Montgomery Advertiser. "She was just a loving person. She was truly the mother figure that we all so desperately needed in Montgomery during a very trying period of our history."In a statement, Gov. Bob Riley said Carr was a "remarkable woman and will be deeply missed." She was a true inspiration, Riley said, and "leaves behind a lasting legacy of pride, determination, and perseverance. "The family said funeral arrangements would be announced later. Arlam Carr said that his mother's 97th birthday was last month, but that the only place her age showed was on paper." She was still driving her own car. How many 97-year-olds are still driving and you feel comfortable with their driving?" he said.

"She has lived a very active life. If there's one thing about it, we all know we're going to leave here one day and this was just the time the Lord wanted her to 'come on'."Dees said he, too, was impressed with Carr's vigor and amazed that "she never showed the strain of age. Her voice was strong and her spirit was always cheerful.""One of the things I respect her for is she did not have the rancor and anger that so many local African-Americans of the civil rights movement had," he said. "She was very willing to build bridges.

Montgomery's always been very divisive, and she showed an example of reaching across racial lines."In recent decades, civil rights landmarks, including the site where Parks was arrested, have become historic points of interest for tourists."When we first started, we weren't thinking about history," Carr told The Associated Press in an interview in 2003. "We were thinking about the conditions and the discrimination."Bond called Carr a "spark plug" and "one of the remaining links we had to the Montgomery bus boycott.""She was remarkable to have had such a long career and to have held concern for justice in the forefront for all this time," he said. "It's a great tragedy that she's gone, and those of us who knew her are blessed to have that experience."

God bless you Johnnie Carr for making the difference and for taking a satnd--may we all be as brave and as bold as you were.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

the flu bug

Well the last 3 days I have been sick with what I think is the flu--lot of diarrhea which is always so much fun--not! Then there is this kinda of sluggish all I want to do is sleep mood I am in when I feel like this. It's been hard because I really felt like I was better. It also has made it hard as I have also lost 3 more days worth of work doll wise and there is pressure to get something done.

My doctor's visit went really well and my tests were very good t-cells are now 143 versus the 77 they were and my viral load is 1,000 compared to 100,00--so I guess over all I am better. The only disturbing part was my weight which is now 213 and I feel like a big ole fat pig.

My weight has always been an issue for me from obese at my heaviest of 250 to my slimmest and most anorexic at 125--I have been everything in between. With the problems with my health off and on for the last 17 years my weight has always been an issue and many times I wish I could get past the hurdle. I really believe Carson Kressley should do his new show for men--like myself who can not bare to look at themselves naked.

Here in Ohio we are in the midst of all kinds of political commercials for President, Congressman--town pig farmer, OK that one I am kidding but it does get a little much after a while. It seems as if every time you turn around on TV there is Obama and Hillary. I know as many of you that this could very well be history in the making with either one of them ending up with the delegates vote and yes it is exciting but are people really going to be voting for the "person" or the issues they stand behind. It will be interesting to see how it unfolds.

Monday, February 18, 2008

President's Day

Well today was spent trying to get caught up with the over a month behind I am in doll repair work, while the last 4 days I took in 4 new jobs that right now are promised into June--thats how far behind I am. Got a phone call today that Mark Dennis got my depoist for the sculpting class in May--which I am so excited. I have to decide yet what I want to sculpt and to tell you the truth right now I have no idea.

The Physical Therapist I had the last few weeks came out to day and i have made so much progress that I no longer need aide, so my life more or less is back to "normal". I ask that you do keep me in your prayers as I am going through a difficult time again with some depression--what I think I need is some time off and away--not sure how I am going to get it--but I think it is what I need

This ia exactly what I need------------------------

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Wanted to take the time and wish all of you that read this blog a very Happy Valentine's Day.
Today was my first full day back to doll work as close to what my work load was before the start of everything that has happened the last few months. Took several hours just to reorganize and re-familiarize myself with my work space as it had been so long since I had really been in it. Hopefully I can catch up rather quickly with what I have fallen behind in.
Today actually took in 4 new pieces to repair for 2 customers all religious statues of a Cathollic nature--kind of ironic that it takes the "Jew" to fix them. Speaking of which it seems that is where my heart is leading me to believe more and more than ever before and hopefully the people in my life can and will accept it. I think it really hit home when Jim and I went to the church we are attending for "Ash Wednesday" and I was the only one in the room with no ashes on my head.
Something a little playful and "kinda naughty" for all of you for Valentine's Day but definetely not X-rated

Sorry gang if I haven't really been in the mood this month to blog but I didn't want this site to become one of my complaining all the time or the "whoa-is-me" mantra and there for awhile that is the way it seemed to be. I want this to be more about my own personal journey and what I find out about myself and what I want along the way.
Speaking of which I am very glad to say that I sent off my depoist yesterday for the May class in Sculpting with Mark Dennis. Well as always keep me in your prayers.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A very cold snowy day here in Ohio

A very cold and snowy day here but am still feeling better, thankfully

Monday, February 11, 2008

Back to Normal?

Ok I want to let you all know that this feeling better streak has now gone on for 3 days--no walker, no cane, on my own power, my own will and back to "normal". Many of you know that I don't use the word "normal as what the hell is that but I can not for the life of me come up with a better word to feeling better.

The above clip a friend of mind sent that I thought was very cool indeed and wanted to share it with all of you--so hope you enjoy.

Another fast note--Jane (from Everything Oz) I got my record playing over the weekend and finally am listening to all the Judy Garland records you sent me in December and January. The unit looks like an old radio--got it at Target and listening to Judy has made my day--so huge hugs and kisses!!

My other point here is in reference to a friend of mine going through a really rough time, what I want to know is why do some people have such a hard time in letting go especially when you keep getting emotionally so hurt, so often--so freaking walk away, hang up, no longer communicate, severe your ties. It has taken my friend months to do this and they STILL haven't been able to completely do it yet. Keep this friend of mine in prayer if you would.

Keep me in your thoughts tommorrow as I try to go back to a somewhat "normal" work load as far as doll work goes. Tonight I made dinner for the first time in a month and even did 2 sinks of dishes.

Another fast note here as well to all of you I finally have the money needed to take the Mark Dennis Sculpting Class I have wanted to take over a year now. An "anonymous donor" gave me the money, which of course left me specchless--which if you know me well, is hard to do but I am indebted to their kindness and generosity. So keep your eyes out over the next coule of months and hopefully very doon you will see some of my very first sculpted works right here.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

FINALLY Feeling WICKED better

I wanted to let you all know for the last 3 days I felt as they say "Pretty DAMN GOOD" so lets hope the worst is over!!! By the way fo all you kidlets who have not seen WICKED, we did and now I am telling everyone they HAVE TO!!!!! So in that frame of thinking I found a club mix of "Defying Gravity"

Saturday, February 2, 2008


just a note to try to keep you all up to date, I have had an aide out once this week finally and will be getting one 3 days a week for an our each visit. It was nice having the help. Jim took me out to lunch today, which was so very nice. It is the first I have really been out of the house except for those tests which seem so long ago. Granted I had to take a long nap but it was just nice getting out. A lot of the stress has seemed to gone away now that things have worked themselves out.

The dizziness isn't as bad as it was last week but if I could just somehow get back to what I was feeling like before Christmas.

Thank you all so much for keeping me in your prayers.
