Saturday, March 8, 2008

HUGE snow storm and Echardt Tolle

I know it has been quiet a few days since I done any entries but it seemed like there for a while all I was doing was complaining and that is the last thing want this site to be about. I wanted to try to stay somewhat positive at the least and for the time I was not "blogging" I just couldn't, hopefully all of you my readers understnad that.
Well my friend from California Alex arrived last night--of all night as we were hammered with damn near 6 inches of snow and white out conditions yesterday. What normally is a half hour drive took an hour and the roads--OY were does one begin to describe the horrible mess they were. But I arrived to the depot and home again all safe and sound.

It has continued to snow all day here non-stop and as of right now we have over 2 feet of the white stuff and yet we are how far from "christian" Easter? Think its going to be a white one thank heavens Passover is almost a month later and hopefully we will have really nice weather.

Question for everybody, anybody else reading Eckhardt Tolle's "A New Earth" and taking the online Oprah class? I am, and so far have really loved it, if you haven't as of yet I strongly recommend it, it is worth your while.
If you are reading it I would love your thoughts on the book and what you are getting from it--your "ah ha" moments as Orpah calls them. I have been mulling over the thought of sharing what I am learning in general and about myself from reading this--I should say if I do its going to be very unplugged, raw and real. I would like to hear from you if you think I should or shouldn't. How much do you really want to know about me??

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