Wednesday, March 12, 2008

My "Ah ha" moment

Well I have had my "ah ha" moment as Oprah calls it from the Eckart Tolle Book " A New Earth" it happened in Monday nights class. ".....You then unconscioucly cling to the illness becaus eit has beome the most important part of who you perceive yourself to be. It has become another thought form with which the ego can identify".

Eckardt's thinking on this that our experiences in life, our story, our roles, my identity has become the "I" that I am at least in my head and in my thinking --when in reality it is not and we are not being our true selves. So in this regard I have been identified AS my illness. To overcome this and become the true "I" that I am I should no longer talk about my illness to friends and family. Simply say that I am doing everything I can right now to heal myself.

By doing anything else--talking, arguing, feeding into or discussing my illness or for that manner anything negative in my life we simply empower that which is wrong in our lives and it becomes "us". The final thought that really struck home Monday night was that "this unhappy self is NOT who I am"
It has been a real wake up call for me, it has changed my views on things--it makes sense on so many different levels. It is as though I have lived the bulk of my life as something I really am not and now as of today and this moment I want to live the life that truly am.

I want to encourage you that if you are in the time and place that you want or need awakening "A New Earth" is the book for you.

I have gotten some incredible of doll work done here lately and the apprasial part here lately has really taken off, which can be a very good thing. Tommorrow I meet a lady to sell her mother's doll collection on E-bay. I believe it is around 40 pieces.

So keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I approach this new job

I saw this on Youtube a few days ago and just loved it--yes kids that is a man and yes that is his OWN voice! I am no longer doubtful of what I am livin' for!!

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