Sunday, April 27, 2008

Lilac's budding

My brother was out again this weekend and we grilled outdoors again for lunch and with Jim being off today it made for a real nice time. The lilac bush in the backyard as buds on it and a few open, not many. But within a few days the whole thing will be in full bloom and honestly can not wait to trim some off and bring them indoors like I did last year. They say it helps the memory, not sure if that is compleltely true or not.

While out this morning doing some errands my brother bought me "The Power of Now" also by Eckart Tolle--going to start reading tonight.

Chapter 6..............

"When you lose touch with your inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself, when you lose touch with yourself you lose yourself in the world. Your inner most sense of sefl of who you are is inseperable from stillness this is the I am that is deeper than the name of ofrm. You are the awarness disguised as a person".

1). Learn to be with the feelings of discomfort and emotional pain raher than running from it. Why accept is? Because it is here at this moment.

2). Christ wen to the depths of suffering and totally accepted suffering. "Thy will be done" it became a conscious suffering--- the It is of the moment--at that moment the divine comes into action.

3). The very moment the worst thing that can happen to you if you surrender to it, there is an opening that allows the energy of the divine to come through. The very moment of surrender it happens.

4). Grace hides behind every form of suffering.

5). The pain body that was mentioned a few weeks back can be passed from generation to generation, mother to child, in DNA--and then is only partly personal. Are we causing grief for our children by hanging unto pain that we shouldn't be? It is called by some the living past with in you. It takes only one conscious person, one conscious moment for the generational consciousness or lack of it to be broken.

6). By arguing and fighting in front of your children you may be helping them create their pain body. Even the emotion of fighting encourages the pain body and the energy of that negativity.

7). The feeling or actual reality of being not wanted by a parent can create the need "to make everyone my friend", "the need to please everyone all the time", "the need for everybody to accept me".

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