Sunday, May 4, 2008

Thoughts of the day

This last week has been one of some struggle. Struggle in trying to stay present in the now, and not letting worry, stressing out, staying focused on the work instead of all the work I need to do.

The fatigue and soreness has been a real issue also this week and it has been hard this week to relaize I am not those things, it is only what I am feeling, it has gotten to the point where to a degree it has me somewhat depressed. The conversations I have don't seem to be as real, as honest, as connected, as present.

I go tomorrow to have blood work done for my upcoming doctor visit, so everybody keep your fingers crossed that it all goes well.

As far as the doll work I have been doing last month I got more accomplished in a period of a month (being this last one) than I have been able to do in any month in nearly 2 years. I feel good about it to a degree but I also realize in all reality it hasn't changed much of "the reality" and that my firends has been a hard thing to face. I am having a hard time seeing how in the grand scheme of things that it has made the difference.

As always I continue to ask you to pray for me.

From Chapter 7 of "A New Earth"

1). When everything is removed, what of me is left? The formless can be more powerful than those in form. It is a matter of Who I am not and what am I not.

2). "Knowing yourself deeply has nothing to do with whatever ideas are floating around in your mind. Knowing yourself is to be rooted in Being, instead of lost in your mind". Page 186

3). Being sacred is being in the now.

4). I am never upset for the reason I think. Being upset about it does nothing. What is more important is what can I do.

5). Suffering happens because we refuse to accept the now.

6). True sensitivity comes when you are absolutely present in the situation and see this is how it is and totally face the situation as it is and when that comes----so does enormous sensitivity.

The other thing I want to say to those new to this site and my writings is for the most part that the ending Youtube posts are a big in depth look inside my thoughts and feelings------------

"You can't now how much I missed the fairytale adventures--we were young together.... I have come home at last

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