Saturday, May 31, 2008

End of May

This first picture of yours truly with Mark Dennis our teacher for the sculpting class and the lady closet to the frame is Irene (Barb Felt's mother)

I know I have been bad again here about posting to the blog and for that I do apologize. My schedule has been rather busy with gardening, housework, and of course the never ending doll work as well still trying to adjust to some meds I am on. Don't get me wrong I do love the business and I guess it keeps me out of trouble--it does however help pay the bills .

This second picture again courtesy of Barb Felt as I forgot my camer, dopey me huh. I swear at times I would lose my head if it weren't attached.

I did set up an area in my sewing room to sculpt dolls and I have started a new sculpt that is very slowly coming along. I also set up what will be a new additionalroom for my ever growing doll collection. Between what few I buy and the ones I get as gifts and a few very generous customers that know my taste really well I am to the point were the one room is bursting at the seems.

My iris's are in bloom in the back yard as well as the poppies are just starting to open, there are little itty bitty starts to grapes on the grape vines we have and we finally got some much needed rain last night thankfully. Hopefully everything we planted does well.

Well for now I will close as I took some pain pills and they are making me groggy at best

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Home from Washington Boro

Well gang I am sorry for the lack of posts but I was gone from Tuesday through Sunday of last week at Mark Dennis' Sculpting Class in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. The drive through the majority of Pennsylvania was beautiful and yes long 10 hours from my house to his but so worth the drive.

If any of you get the chance to take it class--DO IT!!! It is intensive but you learn so much and you walk away with a sculpted 18 inch doll. The direct link to his web site is I have to take pictures of it yet to post here, which I am sure all of you are all excited to see.

On my way home I did stop in Gettysburg which if you take Route 30 from there home to gettysburgh is about an hour and half and stopped at my newest favorite store, Boyds Bear Country. Oh my gosh 4 floors of teddy bears over 7,000 of them according to the brochure. Again worth the effort. I spent about an hour there and was in teddy bear overload.

It is good being home and yesteray was spent doing doll repair trying to get some jobs closer to being done and also set up a new table made from an old door and two dresser drawers to have a place to scuplt it is in my sewing room and against a window so I can see the outside world from time to time.

I do have my first idea for my new sculpt which I have the armature already started and I am so excited about, it is like geting a breath of fresh air in the doll arena for me. I actually have a few ideas floating around in my head. But I am so glad all of you have joined me in reading this blog and plaing apart in my life. at times it does get lonely and feeling like I have no one to talk to but then I realize I do have Jim and all of you who read this, So for that I am very thankful

Ok I found this in a website blog I visit of a gay artist and thought this was way to fun--the mood i am in! Hope you all enjoy as much as I did!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Thoughts of the day

This last week has been one of some struggle. Struggle in trying to stay present in the now, and not letting worry, stressing out, staying focused on the work instead of all the work I need to do.

The fatigue and soreness has been a real issue also this week and it has been hard this week to relaize I am not those things, it is only what I am feeling, it has gotten to the point where to a degree it has me somewhat depressed. The conversations I have don't seem to be as real, as honest, as connected, as present.

I go tomorrow to have blood work done for my upcoming doctor visit, so everybody keep your fingers crossed that it all goes well.

As far as the doll work I have been doing last month I got more accomplished in a period of a month (being this last one) than I have been able to do in any month in nearly 2 years. I feel good about it to a degree but I also realize in all reality it hasn't changed much of "the reality" and that my firends has been a hard thing to face. I am having a hard time seeing how in the grand scheme of things that it has made the difference.

As always I continue to ask you to pray for me.

From Chapter 7 of "A New Earth"

1). When everything is removed, what of me is left? The formless can be more powerful than those in form. It is a matter of Who I am not and what am I not.

2). "Knowing yourself deeply has nothing to do with whatever ideas are floating around in your mind. Knowing yourself is to be rooted in Being, instead of lost in your mind". Page 186

3). Being sacred is being in the now.

4). I am never upset for the reason I think. Being upset about it does nothing. What is more important is what can I do.

5). Suffering happens because we refuse to accept the now.

6). True sensitivity comes when you are absolutely present in the situation and see this is how it is and totally face the situation as it is and when that comes----so does enormous sensitivity.

The other thing I want to say to those new to this site and my writings is for the most part that the ending Youtube posts are a big in depth look inside my thoughts and feelings------------

"You can't now how much I missed the fairytale adventures--we were young together.... I have come home at last