Friday, June 20, 2008

It happens tomorrow

Well this morning my dad, my brother, my nephew andI went to Roger' Flea Market in Rogers, Ohio near the Ohio River and had a very nice time and a wonderfully rich conversation as well. Such a nice day, but Oy do my feet hurt as this Flea Market is one of Ohio's LARGEST. Tomorrow is Cleveland Gay pride my 20th that I have attended and like I said a few posts back a mile stone as it marks another year living with AIDS in July.

I have been very blest in all honesty and for that I am forever grateful--it has been a very full, enriching and wonderful life so far--wonder the next 17 years hole :) Haven't decided yet what I will be wearing yet but I am sure it will be something that will be comfy in the beautiful weather we have had the last few days. Or kids, should I make a fashion statement??

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