Saturday, June 28, 2008

Some thoughts today

I first wanted to make you aware that Heinz--the famous Ketchup people had a wonderful commericial in Europe that was pulled because "some people" found it offensive-- I find it refreshing. it is listed below..........

If you find this ad to be as nice as I did I encourage you to call Heinz and ask them to reintroduce this commericial and bring it to the USA. In the meantime gay advocates have asked for a boycott of Heinz and their products.

1 PPG Place, Ste. 3100
Pittsburgh, PA 15222-5448
Phone: 412-456-5700

This month has been another good one repair wise for me and was again over the $1,000 mark which is a relief and we are beginning to cath up. I go to the docotr's on Wednesday for test results to see if my meds are working or not as the numbers have been up and down so I ask that you keep me in your prayers.

I also wanted to post that Jim and I went and saw "Jersey Boys"--again the cheap seats seats--but I wanted to encourage all of you if "Jersey Boys" comes to your area GO SEE IT! Well worth every penny and especially if you love Frankie Valli.

This year I have so far enjoyed summer more than any other recent year and it has been nice--I just got to the point where I felt that life was just to damn short to miss it. And the only one to change it was me, and no more morrying about everything else.

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