Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Not just another dizzy bitch

Well gang I went to the doctor today (my HIV Specialist actually) and talking about my newest medications I have been on since July. My biggest complaints being the extreme crippling exhaustion and the soreness and loss of feeling in my hands and fingers. Then add into this the dizziness, the 2 times I have passed out again, the tremors, the hour it takes for me to be "normal" functioning after waking up and all the other fun stuff.

So he had me do some in office tests and came to the conclusion that it is Extreme peripheral neuropathy that has caused it all. Mixed in with the Chronic Leg Syndrome and the Fibromyalgia it is not good to say the least. No real treatment, no real cure and if I over tax myself or push myself it gets worse even faster. So it is one of those learn to deal with it diseases which we all hate--lucky flipping me. At least I know its more than just being a dizzy bitch

In my case the dizziness is caused by the Neuropathy as well and we have to keep an eye on it and make sure it doesn't get worse as in some people it means lesions in the brain. So after seeing me today and not doing so well with the tests I am on extended leave to rest till I am better and then and only then I am to be on a very low work level. I am to cut everything work wise severely down--next to nothing in his frankest opinion.

So not sure exactly what will h appen as far as the business goes and as many of you know it helps pay our bills, helps supply gas and food and my spending money. It could mean a huge financial loss if I out right retire. To a degree I knew I couldn't go on forever but also I wasn't expecting it this soon.

I am also waiting to hear from Akron Hospital if they have enough people signed up for their 2nd level Spiritual Care class that is part of the introduction classes to becoming a chaplain. I ask that you join me in praying that we get enough people to sign up. It is 11 weeks long and ends around my birthday in November.

If you haven't noticed as of yet the sidebar has changed with my favorite links and for the most part they are all Oz related--some of the sights are very COOL, so I hope you take the time to check them out.

Also if anyone is reading this and lives in Vermont, visiting Vermont or has family in Vermont--the Ben and Jerry's Icecream people are doing a Yellow Brickle Road I thin its called in conjunction with an Elton John Concert in Vermont and only available in Vermont. You all can eat the ice cream I just would love the EMPTY container!!!!!

So in closing I ask that you pray that I am quiet enough within myself to hear G-d's voice in what to really do with the news I got today and that somehow G-d knows the greater plan for me as well.

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