Thursday, August 21, 2008

The start of something different

Well as many of you may have read yesterday, I have had some rather un-nerving news and I am trying my best to adjust to it. Here lately that means turning into myself, becoming very quiet and just being. Deep in thought, no radio, television or anything on--just being in the moment.

This morning Jim made the decision to quit his part time home visiting nurses job, it wasn't quit working out the way he had planned and now with the news I got he felt his place was in helping me to try to stay ahead of the doll repairs we currently have in house. As of today I am about a month and a half behind and we made the decision today as well, if something new comes in that the turn around time for me to finish it is much longer. This is until we can really plan things out and see what we realistically can do.

The dogs went to the groomers today and with their bow-bow's in their hair they are just to flipping cute, especially Glinda (the littlest one) who knows she is just to damn cute.

I have been kicking around some new ideas in my head of things I could do in this "down time" and one of them is to write a book. Not sure the exact angle yet, and this isn't something entirely new but it is something I have given some thought too.

Not to much really new on the home front, so until tomorrow I ask that you keep me in your thoughts and prayers as you are always in mine. Today's post is because I have done a "Youtube" search involving the "Wizard of Oz" and trying to find some fun and different things involving this classic and of course my favorite subject !

A Wizard of Oz Music Video To "Dancing Through Life" from the musical "Wicked". For you hardcore Wicked fans you can rest assured that you wont see Elphaba get meltified

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