Friday, August 22, 2008

Some good news as well as some sad

I got a mesage today from Akron General Hospital and we have ENOUGH people for the Spirituality Care and Comfort class to happen. SO for all of you who helped me pray. THANK YOU!!!! I can't wait! Eleven weeks of classes ending November 19th and one step closer---- YIPPEE. Last time it was life changing.

The sad news is a very dear friend of mine lost her husband of 66 years Wednesady and I just got word today. Calling hours are Monday and funeral on Tuesday. So today I ask that you join me in asking G-d to surround my friend Jeanne in his arms of comfort at this time. Her husabn Len ahad been very ill this last 4 months and while Jeanne was expecting the worse it always comes as a shock.

Today's clip is Della Reese singing "Walk With You" and the gang from Oz, giving it a whole new perspective.

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