Friday, October 24, 2008

2,512 hits and other stuff

Well somehow this little blog has hit the 2,512 reader mark which I thought would never come--maybe the new format is helping some ---so thank you all for reading.

I want to share my newest Oz item in my collection, it is the German edition of "Wicked" by Gregory Maguire. A nurse JIm works with at the nursing home went to Germany on vacation saw these and thought of me instantly, bought it and GAVE IT to me!!!! Have to love that! Anyhow the text inside is all in German and what makes this even more unique is the did away with the beautiful illustrations between the sections like they have in the USA version. In German if you can't make out the title is "Die Hexon von Oz".

I also want to share my newest ATC's for the ATC's For All Swap--Christmas Swap-- mine are made from antique Christmas cards from the 1950's, markers, an antique book page, embossing powder, Liquid Applique, glitter paper and regular card stock. I think they turned out really nice.
I asks you keep me in your prayers the medicaions I am on for the AIDS the last 3 days has made me really sick--which is standard-- but it has taken a lot out of me as well. Hopefully I will feel better this weekend.

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