Monday, October 27, 2008

Mickey and Judy Again

Well believe it or not gang, today here in Ohio I saw my first ittsy, bitsy--teenie weenie snowflakes! UUUGGGHHHH--run screaming towards the hills . Saturday by the way was our 5th anniversary and we spent it at the neighbors Halloween party--we had so much fucn--they have this huge bash every year. Tons of food, tons of booze and lots of fun, of course the more fun the drunker we get .

Been slowly turning my sewing room into my Oz/Judy Room and even took out my sewing machine and table, right now it is in the lving room but that may change before Christmas.

The cold has played some havoc on my hands of course but so far no huge difference. I go Thursday for an eye check up and I can almost guarantee I am going to need new glasses it been like 4 yers since my last check up and doing this counted cross stitch winter project has been a little harder than normal--a real sign I need new glasses.

The top is a small flyer for I believe "Strike Up the Band" and in Spanish, I had to have it as I have never seen anything like it before. It is also dated June 17, 1944 on the back. Have to try to find a frame for it.

This second is a bit bigger actually 8x10 I believe and for the Detroit Roosevelt Theatre--this is the real deal and no copy!! Wish I could find a movie now for 10 cents! Well gang Me and "Jude's"--Mickey's pet name for Judy-- are going to go put a show on

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