Sunday, November 9, 2008

Another movie addition to my small but growing collection of Judy movies. Starring Jimmy Stewart, Judy Garland, Hedy Lamarr and Lana Turner. "Ziegfeld Girl" was released in 1941.

Judy plays the role of the born in a trunk vaudevilian, a role that was very close to here own life. What was a wonderful surprise was the intorduction by the ever popular and handsome John Fricke--a man I can call friend! It is nice that anytime I want I can pop in the DVD and see and hear John and won't have to wait till September 20009 for the Wizard Of Oz Festival to do so.

This makes another movie in the Judy repoitire that I had not seen since before and now having seen it it is one of my favorites because of the incredibly beautiful costumes in this movie. Everybody knows how this boy just loves his costumes! Direct from the movie-- a samll taste of what you are in for!!

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