Saturday, November 8, 2008

Palladium and other news

Well I want to start off by saying I am sorry it has been a few days since posting but it has been very busy here--house work, the class I am in, and babysitting the neighbor boys who are 6 and 8. I also want to ask that you all keep me in your prayers as I fell again last night, this time in the kitchen. It was another one of those dizzy fainting spells and i am hoping it isn't anything to serious.

April 5th, 1951 Judy arrives in London to perform her first comeback. April 9th, 1951 Judy opens her new show which is performed twice nightly with Wednesday and Saturday matinees.

Whilst no newcomer, it had been a number of years since Judy had been in a variety show (vaudeville). On The bill with Judy were Max Bygraves, Bedini Troupe, Frances Duncan, and The Debonaires. Judy is pictured here back-stage for her 1st Night in 1951.
After the overture, Judy swept onto the stage. Full of nervous energy, Judy twirled round, slipped and fell over, falling onto her bottom. In subsequent performances Judy was confident and strode on. She opened with "Here I Am", followed by songs Judy had sang in her films, and a couple of "new" songs: "Love Is Sweeping The Country" and "Limehouse Blues". A tremendous success Judy thrilled the packed house, time after time to wild applause. Judy was at the Palladium for 4 weeks.

I only mention all of this as one of my newest items I added to my collection courtesy of E-bay is the program from that concert. For me it is a piece of history and Judy at the top of her game.
Okay I know this isn't from 1951 but I couldn't find anything on Youtube frm then so hopefully this will give you a sense of the magic.

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