Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Aunt Jane's Nieces On The Ranch

Well the next book in the installment of books by Edith Van Dyne, aka L. Frank Baum that I got for Christmas from Jim is "Aunt Jane's Nieces On The Ranch"

This delightfully charming book takes us on a brand new adventure full of mystery, intrigue and suspense. The story takes out to California at th El Cajon Ranch which belong to Arthur Weldon and his wife Louise Merrick Weldon, one of Aunt Jane's nieces. Right off the bat from nearly the beginning is introduced a very key character through out the entire story is five month old "Baby" Jane Weldon. Louise apparently has given birth to a capitivating baby who everyone adores is affectionately at time in the book called "Toodlums". Without baby not much of a story in my opinion.

Louise writes a letter to our girls Beth and Patsy back in New York saying "Baby" had fallen sick for a period of time and babies nurse had given here chilis as the cure.  Well needless to say Uncle John was appalled at the "awful Mexican Nurse" for such an ungodly cure for baby and decides to hire a nurse for baby and deliver himself that nurse in California.

Mildred Travers and Inez are introduced as babies nurses and Inez is right off very jealous and insecure of the educated nurse and all sorts of accustaions start to fly,  Milldred is carrying a very dark secret that till the end is not revealed, and I will not reveal here as it I feel gives away a good portion of the plot.

The story includes at times shady Mexican servants, hints of witch craft, an abduction of baby, missing treasure and highly charming and delightful neighbors including my favorite neighbor Bulwer Runyon a high tenor cowboy who affectionately is called "Bul Run".

What made this book comical for me was the character of "Baby" who a few times is referred to as Baby Jane, which of course in my gay mind said one simple thing the infamous Bette Davis charactor from "Whatever Happened to Baby Jane".  I know this was YEARS before the movie and not what L. Frank Baum had in mind but every time baby was in a scene there was this image of a miniature Bette Davis in baby drag that came into view   I don't as before want to give the entire story away as I really want to encourage you to find the book and read it for yourself but if you have to know e-mail me privately and I will sahre the story.

Aunt Jane's Nieces on the Ranch was written in 1913, published once again by Reilly & Britton Company of Chicago and illustrated byE. A. Nelson.  The only illustrations as before are the front cover and the inside illustration..  The book measure 7 3/4 by 5 1/2 has 276 pages and origianlly sold for sixty cents.  The dition I have is a First Edition First printing, which the biggest clue to its identification is the listing of books on the inside according to "The Book Collector's Guide to L. Fran kBAum and Oz. 

Once again my edition was once a library book belonging to  the Saint Stephen Martyr School Library in Louisville, Kentucky and has their stamp and pocket for the check out card.  This book as well is also marked as belonging to Marie Seelbacj and the Seelbach Hotel City.  This now leaves two books in the series for me to read, and I hope youhave been enjoying the fact that I am reveiwing them to a degree and so far have blogged every day of the New Year.

As always happy Judy Garland and Wizrd of Oz collecting.

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