Thursday, January 7, 2010

Some personal notes

Well after a three day wait I finally heard back from the Kent State UNiversity Fashion Design Program.. I called wanting information on how to apply and what I had to do to becomea part of it.

Well I needed my ACT/SAT scores which I have no idea if I even took those tests in school. I needed 12 hours of transferrable credit which as this point I do not. I have 6 and 2 1/2 years of non-accredited college credit from Virginia MArti College Of Design in Lakewood Ohio. Needless to say VMC is not a recognized accredited school according to Kent. Which is disheartening to say the least.

So I have an appointment On February 1 to meet with faculty, change my major form exploritory to Fashion and at that time will have 15 credit hours that are transferrable. All I need is better than a 2.5 GPA at that time.

It looks like at this time I will be in Fall classes that have studio time unless KSU decideds to add summer studio classes.  I can in summer take no-studio classes though and take them at the Stark Campus where I already attend.  So that is a huge relief.

The program is four years full-time which means I will be 47 when I am done or 51 if I go part time.  A period of time when most people are thinking of planning retirement.  ::::SIGH:::  well not me kids, either way life will just be beginning!  So keep me in your thoughts and prayers and in the mean time as Tim Gunn says "Make it WORK"!

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