Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Doctor's Visit this afternoon...results to follow later today

Just a fast note before my History of Civilization II class that this afternoon I have my quarterly checkup with my HIV Specialist in Cleveland. At that time I will get test results to blood work I had earlier this month if the lab is on time with their work. I am a little anxious to see what he says as I know stress can play a factor in those results. Lets face being back in school can cause some stress, so I do expect some changes but hopefully nothing to major.

We have a new painting that will be due in a few weeks. Right now we are doing a monochromatic black and white painting with the next one bineg a color plus shades of black and white added to the color. The whole reason for me bringing this up is I am really thinking I am going to do the painting of the infamous "Ruby Reds", after all kids we all know it is about the shoes!

Well till later today................

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