Friday, January 29, 2010

Test Updates

I meant to due this Wednesday and somehow 2 days have flown by, boy am I bad. Well the news from the doctor is good T-cells are up a little, viral load is up a little which is not so good but nothing to serious he adds nothing for to me really worry about. He thinks it is primarily due to the stress of being in school. Stress in school, who knew!  I go back in three months for another check up and will let all of you know when that happens. In the meantime I guess it is business as usual.

The new tutor thing is going really well and I feel like I am learning so much more than before. I am, believe it or not, really enjoying History of Civilization II, although it is still a lot of hard work. But would I want it anyother way? All Kent State University needs to have now is a Judy Garland class, hmmmmm maybe the incredible John Fricke could teach with guess lecturers being Charless Triplett and Michael Seiwert! I would so be there!

Yesterday was my crash and burn day where I came home after my painting class and slept for like 4 solid hours. I woke upa the start of my day so tired that it was unreal. I guess almost 19 years of AIDS and a year of Fibromyalgia do that to a guy huh.  I was suppose to go to a special lecture on Fibromyalgia in Canton, that was advertised in the paper, but ended up sleeping to late to attend. Maybe they will do it again sometime. In the meantime still reading the last of the Aunt Jane's books and am almost done without.  Hopefully can finish it sometime this weekend if I am not buried in home work.  Until then happy Oz/Judy hunting and I am glad we had this time together......................

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