Saturday, January 30, 2010

Dreams of Lorna

I guess this is my month for dreams associated with either the incredible Judy Garland or things related to Oz, as I have had another one.  Last night while sleeping in the warmth of flannel sheets while it was frigid outside I dreamt I was at the cocktail party and we were sitting around watching "Me And My Shadows" the television movie about the life of Judy .  Sitting across from me was none other than the incredible, Lorna Luft.  I was speechless, yeah even dumbfounded and didn't say anything.  The scene changes slightly and we are at another party, as we are dressed differently and I am standing this time with a drink in my hand and right across from me is once again, Lorna Luft.

Well this time I was really star struck and my mouth agape and she approached me.  She just clamly says "Your a fan aren't you"? and I of course said "Yes, I am but I didn't want to embarass myself and make you uncomfortable and I hope I haven't".  She smiled slightly took my hand and says "I know what a huge fan you are, especially of my mother's and that meeting me must be blowing your mind right now, but I do understand".  I smile weakly at this point my knees weak and my insides very uneasy.

The scene changes slightly and we are sitting, she is holding my hand and out of the blue she says "I hear through my sources that you are very resourceful and quite talented with a thread and needle".  I smile and say "Well thank you Ms. Luft".  She replies "Lorna, please darling.  The reason I bring this up is I would like for you to design me this dress for an event I have to be at honoring Mom, and once that is done I have been asked to do a Broadway show and well darling the director and I both agree we want you to do all the costuming".

I awoke, smiling to some degree but slightly mad that I did wake up as now I don't know how it ended.  Although, maybe this dream has to play out in real life.  So Lorna, if your reading I am ready to sew for you.

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