Monday, January 18, 2010

Down Sick

Well, I was going to do write this wonderfully moving blog entry about how far we have come in the civil rights movement but about how far we need to go as well. Instead I have come down really sick. It started yesterday just feeling like "lukewarm day old crap", not sure how else to describe that feeling. Today though oh my gosh it was full tilt feeling like crap. I ache everywhere, running a fever, feels like some 350 pound person is doing a charleston on my chest and my nose is running.

My whole day all but for about half an hour has been in bed sleeping, and I mean the whole damn day. So much for taking the time to remember a man as important as Martin Luther King Jr. As long as what ever is going on health wise is over by tomorrow it should be ok. The Spring semester starts tomorrow and well I need to be on my A-Game so I can do well grade wise.

In the meantime keep me in your thoughts and hopefully this "down Sick" will go away!

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