Sunday, January 17, 2010

Strength Abides

My computer right now is giving my absolute fits, piece of shit that it is! I am going to have to break down and taking the frigging thing to Geek Squad and get it fixed. IN the mean time some poetry I wrote.

Strength Abides

From whence comes my strength?
What part of my body
Does it reside?

It is buried deep within
Coming to the surface
As I need it
When I call upon its name?

Is it at the outer edges
Protecting me
From the outside evils
That pervade at my door?

Is it something
I was born with
Is it something
I had to learn and gain?

Strength abides
Because I fight
For something more
For something
Bigger than I.

Strength abides
Because I know
No other way
To live
Or to eventually die.

Strength abides
Because I reject courage
Because I have fought
My entire life
For everything
That means anything.

Strength abides
Because I do!

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